Monday, 25 October 2010

Good Afternoon

Hello everyone, how are you doing?

Managed to find spare half an hour and thought i'd just do a quick blog as i have something on my mind.

Recently i have had to take a lot of buses due to my work and i very quickly realised that people can become complete idiots when they enter a bus. I will list below a few of the things that really got on my wick:

  • There is always a few people who don't move to the back of the bus when the bus is filling up, so the bus driver has to shout at them to move down to the back to free up space
  • Yesterday i was sitting next to someone who had their ipod on at a really high volume.
  • On Friday i was sitting near a group of 3 people sitting near each other that decide that they will shout instead of talk at a normal volume
  • There is always the odd passenger who comes onto the bus without the correct change ready, wasting time trying to the money out of their wallet/pocket/purse.

This is just a quick list of the things that have annoyed me about bus passengers over the past week. I haven't even got started on what some of the drivers are like either. I will probably save that for a future blog post.

So readers, can you add to my list? What annoys you when you are on a bus/train/plane?


  1. nice read man
    i would add in case of accident u're dead

  2. I like talking to the homeless and crazy people on the bus. They have interesting things to say even if they don't realize they're talking sometimes.

  3. what about when people at the stop dont wait for the people on the bus to walk out first? to me, thats the worst. nice blog btw!

  4. I hate people who think that everyone can walk through them like ghosts. So they just stand in one place and you basically have to bodyslam them to get past.

  5. me too -.- too many old unshaved woman

  6. I've never ridden in a bus...O_o but on planes I hate people who are on late flights and continue talking really loud while others are trying to sleep...douches

  7. People who touch you for no real reason while they are near you on the bus. Like "whoops the bus lurched to the left, I'm gonna touch your bum!"

    Also I second all the things on your list. I would also like to add to that with awful smells. Awful smells can ruin your commute. Be it bad breath or nasty pits.

  8. I dont really care for buses, but if trains traveled in my area OMG i would live on one, i love trains.

  9. When the people smells bad... I hate it...

  10. I hate when people sit next to you blasting their Ipod like you can't hear it.

  11. I was on a bus and a homeless man peed on the door :P
